Monday, March 26, 2012

Painful blemish?? Make it happy :)

Or at least make you happier haha

Here's a super quick way to help ease the pain of a blemish or two that may be causing some discomfort...

(Check for allergies first before considering this treatment)

Easy as 1, 2, 3:

1.Take uncoated aspirin tablets using genuine aspirin

2.And damp cotton round(s) & pre-dampened skin

3.Let the tablet dissolve before gently applying to effected area
(A slight white film over blemish or particles are normal)

4.Leave on the skin for 3 min the rinse with lukewarm water.

5. If desired dab on a little lemon juice or tea tree oil to finish off treatment.

For those ridiculously painful ones try the band aid method for half and hour!

* * Place moist tablet or capsule powder on skin,
use a small band aid to cover and hold to blemish for 30 min. 
This should reduce the size and ease the pain making it easier to conceal!
 Esp if you have a big event or date coming up. :)


If pustule pops open use Hydrogen Peroxide to draw out any remaining toxins!
If need be hold soaked Q-tip to blemish and let the fizziness take hold.
You can see it clean out your pest before your very eyes!!
Just be aware over use of peroxide may dry your skin. 
And by over use I mean several times a day all week long.
I usually try to keep this to evening before I crash seeing as all my makeup is off and I can sleep letting my body heal from that wonderful little visiter. 

Hope this helps!

Don't forget to come by my facebook page and like me!!

Shannon <3

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quick & Easy! Clay mask.

Gooood Afternoon once again!!
I guess you must think I fell into a hole and got lost?
Close to it.
The spa has had me running around doing much more than I thought was possible...
I'm about ready to fall over.
No, I haven't forgotten about you wonderful people, 
in fact I've thought about my blog and you every day.
I miss it here :(

Onto something fun, quick, easy and rather fun...

Clay masks can get a bad rap for being overly drying and or too expensive.
I agree.
Most aren't made particularly balanced and they tend to cost too much for the good stuff. 
Getting stuff at cost sometimes has nothing to do with the fact I too enjoy a deal and something healthy for my skin.

I, like many suffer from pesky clogging of the pores in my T-zone and the occasional blemish. 

I have figured out most of the reason why my skin throws the occasional fit:

Food allergies (No, I don't know everything but I've figured out a low dairy intolerance)
Product ingredients and lack of purity there that I'm STILL finding
When I'm lazy and forget to clean my makeup brushes (Baaaaaad girl!!)
Always touching my face if I'm super tired or stressed
Hormone imbalance's 
Lack of vitamins or water

All very basic stuff that can cause anybody to have a pest come visit now and then :)

I went in search of a clay mask to help me out once a week seeing as I LOVE to find new goodies!!
After doing some research and seeing the rave reviews I knew this puppy needed personal testing...

Here are a few steps to help get the most out of this mask:

1. Cleanse
(If you're wearing makeup you may need to do a double cleanse)

2. Steam for 2-5 min
(If desired)

3. Shake mask well beforehand then apply even layer from chin up.
(Be careful NOT to get it near your eye area as that skin is very delicate)

4. Watch the mask dry and literally pull gunk from your pores!

5. Wash off with warm water and follow with either a pore strip (If needed) from Biore then cool rinse or just a cool rinse.

6. Follow usual nightly product routine and enjoy the feeling of your soft clearer skin.

It may take a few times for this mask to actually clear up anything major but it does help. It will bring needed junk to the surface and when it comes out and pops (Don't pick!!) just use a little lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide to help pull out any remaining toxin and let it heal from there. 
Heck after the lemon juice or peroxide I use a dab of my Juice Beauty Apple peel and let it stay on that blemished location over night. 

Yes, it is a thinner clay mask and can be slightly messy.
But I love it :)

It's 4.2 Oz. and cost me 9.39 + tax

(If I was awake enough last night I would've take step by step pictures but alas I was in the heroic zone and had enough energy to apply it and do what I usually do afterwards then head to bed.)

Hope this mask helps and you fall in love with it as I have!
My husband even likes it :)

Have a blessed day,
Shannon <3